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Sui (su) ī) surname

Sui (su) ī) surname

Home culture
2024/02/27 09:59

Sui (su) ī) surname

It belongs to the Chengji clan, with the ancestor being Suihui, and is the 178th contemporary surname in China. Ming Dynasty Hongdong Great Huai Tree Immigrants

The ancestor of the Sui family was a family of people from Pingyang Prefecture, Hongdong County, Zhaocheng County, and other regions. In the early Ming Dynasty, they were ordered to relocate to the Da Huai Tree in Hongdong

In other places, by the end of the Qing Dynasty, their descendants were distributed in Henan, Shandong, Hebei, Beijing, Tianjin, Shaanxi, Gansu, Anhui

Jiangsu, Hubei, Hunan, Inner Mongolia, Liaoning, Heilongjiang, Shanxi and other places.

The record of the Sui surname can be traced back to the Southern Song Dynasty's "General Annals: A Brief History of Clans".

There are two main sources of surnames:

① Derived from Sui surname. According to the "Genealogy Summary" in the "Tongzhi", during the Spring and Autumn Period, there was a state called Sui, whose homeland was in Suizhou during the Song Dynasty,

After the destruction of Sui County in present-day Hubei by the State of Chu, the descendants of the ruler of Sui County took their original country name Sui as their surname.

② Originating from the Suihui period, according to the records in "Guangyun" and "Identification of Ancient and Modern Surnames", during the reign of King Xuan of Zhou, there was a ruler of the state of Du, Du Bo, who was not guilty but was killed. His son, Xi Shu, fled to the state of Jin, and his grandson, Hui, became a high-ranking official of the state of Jin, with his fiefdoms located anywhere. Its hometown is now Jiexiu East in Shanxi, known as Suihui. The descendants of Suihui used the city name Sui as their surname. In the Sui Dynasty, Emperor Wen of Sui removed the character "Sui" and the surname "Sui" became the Sui surname.

The "Dictionary of Names in Chinese History" includes 9 examples of the Sui family. The historical figure surnamed Sui in the Han Dynasty was Sui Yu,

The people of Wuyuan were appointed as prefects; In the Yuan Dynasty, there was Sui Bao, a native of Laiyang, and a high-ranking official; During the Ming Dynasty, there were Sui Zhu, a native of Qixia, who lived in the orthodox era


According to the seventh national census, there are 1463 people surnamed Sui in Shanxi Province, 224 people in Linfen City, and 31 people in Hongdong County.

The ancestral deity of the Sui surname is enshrined in the No. 1 altar of the Ancestral Worship Hall in the Hongdong Dahuai Tree Scenic Area.

The genealogy of the Sui surname mainly includes: "The Sui Family Genealogy is not divided into volumes" (kept in four volumes by the County Annals Office of Rongcheng County, Shandong).

Migration: The ancestors of the Sui family in Linqing migrated from Hongdong, Shanxi to Suizhuang, Shandong Province during the Yongle period of the Ming Dynasty; The ancestor of the Sui family in Dezhou moved from Hongdong, Shanxi to Suizhuang, Pingyuan County, Dezhou, Shandong Province during the Yongle period of the Ming Dynasty.

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